Learning Live Digital EMEA

Learning Live Digital se realizará de manera virtual el jueves 18 de noviembre.

With the rapid rate of workforce and organisational transformation taking place, L&D Teams need to be at the forefront of that change and be aligned to business goals.

Join GP Strategies and our panel of Performance Architects and Product Designers as we discuss and explore the disruption in learning that is helping accelerate industry change as well as the approaches to how we can solve business challenges in a more effective and evidence based way.

On our panel we will have Craig Stokes, Laura Barrett, Rachel Harding and Tim Brind share their insights and experiences of how they are ripping up the blueprints to traditional learning approaches to create more modern, creative and inventive ways to enhance the learning experience while showing real business impact. 

Join the session, It’s Crunchtime for Learning & Development, on Thursday, November 18 at 12pm GMT.

GP Strategies is proud to be a sponsor of Learning Live Digital.